More About Cat O’Brien


Can You Keep a Secret?

…I never wanted to be a copywriter.

I assumed copywriters had to stress about sales above everything else and weren’t guided by concern for the consumer.

Plus, I had the best job in the world as a high school English teacher. Really, it was almost everything I needed: fulfilling, challenging, and fun. 

But teenage brains (much to their demise) are sitting ducks for marketers. 

For years I watched my students feel as though they weren’t enough because they didn’t measure up against the latest marketing campaign. Each moment, there seemed to be a new picture of success. 

They couldn't keep up. 

It drove me nuts. And my attempts to help them discover the benefits of a mindfulness practice were less than successful. 


So I’ve turned my attention to supporting mindfulness professionals (my heroes). 

I get to work with incredible people, create heart-centered marketing campaigns, and spread the benefits of mindfulness. 

I can’t think of anything I'd rather be doing. *here’s my horn if you’d like to toot it with me.*

My mission is to spread the benefits of mindfulness to as many people as possible while making the online world a safer, less predatory place.

With your help, we can do it together.